Defining Discipleship
by Josh Massey on December 7th, 2022
Discipleship is a word that we often use in church culture. However, I think many people do not have a solid grasp of what discipleship is or what it looks like. I know that I lacked this understanding when I first came to know the Lord. In fact, I am really just now polishing up my understanding of discipleship since coming to Heartland. So I would like to speak to a biblical definition of discip...  Read More
The Secret Place Leads Us to the Public Place
by Josh Massey on November 2nd, 2022
We’ve all been thinking a lot lately about the subject of prayer as we have studied The Lord’s Prayer together throughout October. I cannot think of a better use of our time than to press into Jesus’ instruction for how to experience prayer the way that God intended it to be experienced. That is essentially what Matthew 6:5-13 highlights for us. As the disciples saw Jesus praying, they saw somethi...  Read More
by Josh Massey on October 5th, 2022
Our study of Ephesians has brought into focus both the beauty of the gospel and a powerful reminder of our identity in Christ. This study has reminded us that our identity is always the source of our actions. When we start working for our identity, rather than from our identity, things begin to misfire in our lives. When our identity is rooted in things other than Jesus Christ, it leads to selfish...  Read More
What Are We Grasping For?
by Josh Massey on September 6th, 2022
What are we grasping for?I remember as a child having a curiosity like no other. I was always curious about how things worked and why they worked the way they did. I always seemed to land in trouble for getting into things that I probably shouldn’t have been getting into. I remember once, when I was around 8, my family was eating dinner when I asked my dad, “what would happen if I put a paper clip...  Read More
Our Father Is Near and Not Far
by Josh Massey on August 3rd, 2022
“Dad? Dad….DAD?!?!” Those words came out of my 6 year old mouth many moons ago on a Sunday night while my dad and I were turning off the sanctuary lights and bumping the AC up on a hot summer night in South Mississippi. My dad was the pastor of a small country church and he was privileged with the task of being the Marine…the first one in and the first one out. He was the first one there to unlock...  Read More
Disciplined Living
by Josh Massey on July 6th, 2022
Discipline is not a word that most people enjoy hearing. We live in a world that avoids discipline in all its forms at all cost. We have very little patience, we are usually never satisfied, we often do not delay gratification, and we frequently shirk responsibility. But, what we must understand is that discipline and discipleship are inherently linked. As disciples of Christ, we are called to loo...  Read More