What We Believe

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." - A.W. Tozer



All things were created by Jesus and for Jesus. He is worthy of our complete trust and devotion as He invites us to lay down our burdens and to find rest in a daily, abiding relationship with Him. Life with Jesus is not about a standard to live up to; it is about a relationship to live into. Jesus has promised to be with us as we live out our new identity in Him. And He has given us His Spirit as a seal of His promises to us. We are focused on Jesus because Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. 


The gospel is the good news that Jesus was sent into the world by the Father to live the life that we could never live and to die the death that we deserve to die. After being buried for three days, Jesus rose to life victorious over sin and death. Through His life, death and resurrection, He has made the way for us to experience life, freedom and hope in Him. This salvation happens through the gift of faith that is given to us by the Spirit. Every area of our lives is controlled by the finished work of Jesus as we find rest in Him. We are a gospel saturated people because the gospel is God’s power for all of salvation to everyone who believes. 


The Bible is God’s Word through which He has revealed the truth about Himself, about mankind, and about the only way of salvation. God’s Word is the ultimate authority in our lives and is completely without error and sufficient for all matters of faith and practice. God’s Word is a perfect treasure of heavenly instruction and reveals the principles by which all of mankind will be judged. We are centered on the Word and committed to it’s expository preaching so that we may be trained in life and godliness.

prayer request

How can we be in prayer for you and your family?


Because God is our heavenly Father, church is not a location to which we travel, but a family to which we belong. God’s Word tells us that we have been adopted into the family of God and that we are being built up into a spiritual house for God’s glory to inhabit. This means that, while we are called to have a personal relationship with Jesus, we are never called to have a private relationship with Jesus. The gospel is meant to be lived out in the context of deep relationships where we enjoy the unity of the Spirit and display God’s covenantal love to the world. We are family oriented because we have been saved to the true and everlasting family of God. 


God has always been about the mission of glorifying His name through the redemption of His people. That is why Jesus stepped out of heaven to bring God’s Kingdom to a world ruled by darkness and death. As objects of God’s redeeming love, we are now called to be used as agents of His redeeming love as we live out the gospel and point people to Jesus. This calling is marked by sacrificial love and a burden to see those who are lost be found. We are driven by the mission of God to glorify His name because we are a people shaped by worship and because God’s name has not yet been proclaimed among all peoples. 


Where once we were at enmity with God, He has welcomed us into the family and to His table in fellowship and love. We are a people who have been shaped by the abundance of God’s mercy and grace. As such, we are passionate about sharing God’s extravagant hospitality with a world that desperately needs to see the beauty of Jesus. Our aim is to promote a culture of radical hospitality throughout our body and to live out that same gospel hospitality where we work, live and play. We are a hospitality minded people because we are controlled by the love of Jesus. 

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