sLi Associate Track Application | 2023-2024
The servant Leadership institute - Associate Track is designed to give the leader practical, hands-on ministry experience and to learn under the guide of a mentor. This application is the first step in being accepted into the program. Please fill out every question on the form. The 2022/2023 associate track begins august 29th and ends may 7th. We will meet on tuesdays from 8-9:30 pm.



While we understand ‘life happens’ this associateship requires that you are present and ready to commit your time to the activities and work assigned. Throughout the associateship, there will be 18 cohort meetings and a lot of time spent actually doing ministry.

 The cohorts will be every other Tuesday night from 8-9:30, missing more than 2 cohorts a semester will hinder you from being able to keep up and be connected to the rest of the associates.